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Ukraine and the European Green Deal

To make Europe a climate-neutral continent by 2050, the European Union needs to work closely with its neighbours, including those in the Eastern Partnership, in getting them on board with the European Green Deal (EGD). Ukraine was among the first EU neighbours to announce their readiness to contribute to the EGD and a high-level EU-Ukraine dialogue on this topic has already commenced. However, what are the contours of Ukraine’s engagement with the EGD and how will it move forward? How can it be made multidirectional and effective while leading to real and equitable decarbonisation? This report aims to contribute to a discussion in the EU on how to better integrate Ukraine into EGD implementation. It proposes a set of guiding principles for making the EGD work for Ukraine, and thus contributing to the achievability of the EU’s goal of becoming a climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Product details
Date of Publication
December 2021
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Number of Pages
Language of publication