recommendations_en cover

Recommendations on stimulating energy efficiency measures and RES in the residential sector in wartime for the Ukrainian authorities and international partners

Given the shortage of energy resources in Ukraine and their high cost on world markets, multiplied by military risks, the issue of efficient energy use and the availability of alternative sources is crucial for the country’s survival.

Unfortunately, even under such conditions, energy consumption in the housing and utilities sector remains high, and integrating alternative and renewable energy sources (RES) has not grown beyond individual pilot projects.

This report focuses on recommendations for central and local governments, as well as for end-users of energy, that could significantly improve the efficiency of energy use and reduce the country’s dependence on energy imports. The focus is on priority steps that are usually organizational in nature and do not require significant capital investments, and can be implemented by reallocating funds currently spent on subsidies and compensation for tariff differences.

The analytical report was prepared within the framework of the project “Recommendations on stimulating energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in the residential sector in wartime for the Ukrainian authorities and international partners” with the support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Office – Ukraine.

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