RE BUILDING UKRAINE FOR ALL Inclusive REcovery, REsilient Ukraine
policy brief and podcast series

RE BUILDING UKRAINE FOR ALL Inclusive REcovery, REsilient Ukraine

RE BUILDING UKRAINE FOR ALL Inclusive REcovery, REsilient Ukraine - policy brief and podcast series

The Project "RE: BUILDING UKRAINE FOR ALL: Inclusive REcovery, REsilient Ukraine", led by Professor Freya Baetens, Dr levgeniia Kopytsia & Dr Daryna Dvornichenko, aims to address the multifaceted challenge of how Ukrainian society can recover from the war, not merely by rebuilding what was destroyed, but also through reform and improvement of previously existing tangible and intangible structures.

The project activities include the production of a podcast series, a workshop, and a policy brief involving experts and stakeholders from various fields. The outcomes include an enhanced understanding of inclusive recovery practices, concrete policy recommendations, and amplified representation of diverse Ukrainian voices in recovery discussions. Project findings will be widely disseminated, by leveraging platforms like the "RightsUp" podcast led by Prof Baetens and co-designing the project outputs with a policy partner (Heinrich Boll Foundation), as well as project partners from Ukraine, UK, USA & Germany.

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This project is funded by a grant from the Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) for activities in June and July 2024.

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