Сity. People. Factory: Ukrainian Urban Forum in Zaporizhzhia

Forum participants adding markings to an enormous map of Zaporizhzhia

The Ukrainian Urban Forum “City. People. Factory” took place on June 21–22, 2019, in Zaporizhzhia. About 190 participants from 20 Ukrainian cities took part in the event. 86% of the participants represented organizations or initiatives they worked with, which means that most of them were able to share the experience obtained at the forum with their colleagues in civil society organizations, public authorities, private companies or academic institutions.

The subject of the forum, “City. People. Factory,” was suggested by Dzyga CSO, the forum’s local partner in Zaporizhzhia, as it highlights the main issue the city faces: the interaction between local citizens, local authorities and big companies that control industrial enterprises in the city.

Forum participants sitting in a circle

Here are some of the questions discussed at the forum: how can urban movements develop in cities such as Zaporizhzhia? What are activists and experts at city development already working on? What does equality and justice look like in these circumstances? What can people from other cities learn analysing urban problems in Zaporizhzhia?

The participants exchanged their experience and learned both as part of the agenda and in the course of informal communication. Overall, there were 8 thematic blocks. You can watch the recordings online:


In each of the thematic blocks, 25 speakers total shared their experience, 14 more during the speed intro. As part of the forum the audience also watched and discussed the documentary Façade Colour: Blue.

All pictures from the event can be viewed here.

Ukrainian Urban Forum is an annual event for networking, learning and experience sharing of the Ukrainian urban movement organized by CEDOS think tank with the support of Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Ofiice — Ukraine. This year, the forum partners also were Dzyga CSO and Zaporizhzhia Oblast Museum.

Photos by: Maks Khoroshkov